Hello ladies!
Firstly, I know it's been awhile since you've heard from the Divanity team, but no worries. Despite being up to our necks in work at the moment, we will be back with a bang. We promise to get you "that good good", if you know what I mean?
Secondly and in the meantime, I'd just like to share an upcoming fashion show being held by Lai Del Ro and her Dashwearables team. The affair will be a multi-attraction with the launching of her latest T-Shirt dress line, a limited sale, and open bar on Baileys all night long for la femmes. The poster above shares all the important details, but if you have further inquiries, call up Lai at 0916-3763835 or mail info@dashwearables.com
Lastly, and it somewhat embarasses me to say this, but...your beloved Divanity writer will be modeling some pieces from the new Dashwearables collection at the show. While I did do some spreads back in the day when I was still touring and promoting an album, I have never been anything but a spectator in a fashion show. I mean, geez, I'm 5"3. Not exactly the type of height that translates on a runway. Plus, I'm not exactly as physically...umm...gifted (?) as I once was. Nevertheless, despite not feeling like "model material" at all anymore, the crazy person in my head said "f*@k it, do one for the team!" Teehee.
So I hope to see all of you this Friday at Alchemy though I will be making a fool of myself. I do wonder if any of you kind souls can get REALITY to knock on the door to my brain and possibly talk me out of this whole "model" mess (notice I will never take away the quotation marks for as long as it is in reference to me). Yeah. So enough about me. Most importantly, you must be there because you will L-O-V-E the clothes! Herstory is an indepth look into Lai's visions and emotions depicted through fashion - it's definitely one for the books.
Good night girlfriends!
"Every once in awhile, HERSTORY is made" - Lai